One thing nice about having a Rookie join the ranks of the Firehole Rangers this year was that we had us a submissive member along to do our bidding. Not only did he provide the plush mini van in which we traveled comfortably (and in shame) through Washington, Idaho and Montana, but once we reached our destination we had someone naive to check us in to the Ho Hum. Those of us who know from experience the risk associated with stepping foot inside the motel office always resist having to do so–a task administered only after drawing straws. But having a new guy along gave us veteran Rangers a much-deserved reprieve from the cat-fest. It seemed appropriately ironic that the Rookie, whose name may or may not be Morris, was ordered to stand in the face of the olfactoral assault, something he did bravely and without throwing up in his mouth. He also fetched us beers on demand, strung up our rods, bought our meals, and cleaned our gear at the end of each day. Well, 1 out of 4 ain’t bad.
Another benefit of having a Firehole first-timer along for the journey was the reminder of what it’s like to experience this amazing place for the first time. After several years of making the trip I find myself, while still in awe, more focused on the fishing than the bison, the thermal activity, the scenery. Those fixtures are always impressive, but after you’ve been there and done that a few times, it becomes somewhat commonplace. It shouldn’t be that way.
From behind the lens of his pink camera (to match his pink, v-neck Firehole Ranger Rookie t-shirt), Morris captured the magic of fishing this special place. Almost as if from a child’s innocent perspective, I give you the wonderment of the Yellowstone (thanks for the photos, Rookie).
Thanks, Rookie Ranger, for the reminder of what it’s all about. See you next year, if I’m invited back.
Great pics…..definitely a place on my bucket list,
Thanks for stopping by again, Bud. Steam rises, so definitely the Firehole deserves to be near the top of the bucket!
Don’t mean to belabor this, cause there’s certainly nothing wrong with it, but you appear to be wearing chaps whilst bending over in the Fire Hole River in the photo captioned “The UA would complain, but still managed a fish.”
Glad you had a good time.
You are very astute in your observations, brother–the first to notice my Redington chaps. Fortunately I wasn’t going commando. That would be particular rough on the firehole.
You guys have so much fun. I will be there in 4 days. And it will be a lovely…Oh, I better not say… might jinx myself! Why should we care about the cold…the fish don’t! Ha. Maybe next year I will go earlier and crash the river party one day… = )
We do have us a decent time, Emily. The time of year has little bearing on the weather–it is my presence that guarantees lousy weather, so you have been warned.
Great read UA, but perhaps I am bias.
I cannot begin to understand what must have been pulsating through the mind of the Rookie while breathing the pungent, yet somehow pleasant, Ho Hum air. Was it more inspirational to observe the timeless spectacle of early Yellowstone spring or the exquisite art cast upon him by those Senior Rangers with centuries of river insight? But if I were to speculate, I do believe you accurately encapsulated his awaking to the greatness and beauty of it all, and our individual pursuit of perfection.
Sirrom Eikoor
Relish your innocence, Rookie. In time you too will come to be a hardened, embittered old Ranger yourself, who goes there to count fish.
“Comfortable Shame…The Firehole Rangers New Ride” …I think I got the name to the straight to DVD classic about your trip…or at the very least, the title to the slide show.
Looks like a good time was had by all, even the rookie.
Well played, Sanders: Comfortable Shame. I rather like that, a lot. Could be a great album title, too. Maybe something with a lot of banjo picking.
What the hell is that thing attached to your arse?
That would be junk in my trunk, and thanks for looking at me arse.
Mr. Morris is no longer a rookie. When I last fished with him in the icy waters of the Snoqualamie River (??), he let me use his waders and he braved the icy waters with a pair of short pants. He is a real sport….and true sportsman. Great pics.
He’s no longer a rookie, but he’s got another year to prove his worth before he is deemed a full-fledged Ranger. Next year he will be an Apprentice Ranger. I have every confidence that he will gain full rangership as he is, as you noted, a good sport. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by.