Call this one the 7 Show Itch, or since Spring Training has begun for baseball perhaps the 7th Show Stretch. No matter what you call it, the 7th episode of the Open Fly Podcast is now live: listen via the website HERE, or find it as always, on iTunes and Sticher Radio.
On this episode we not only have Ted Nugent’s doppelgänger in studio as a passive-aggressive guest, but we also talk with competitive angler, Jason Schall. If you have a preconception of what angling tournaments are all about, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that they’re not just about competition; tournaments raise a good awareness of conservation. Jason is a gentleman and ambassador of angling; we’re sure that you’ll enjoy his interview.
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” On our Guide Stories segment, this week we talk with guide Bob Triggs of Little Stone Fly Fishers. Bob is an educated man and angler of considerable note. On his blog, Bob recently announced his personal decision to stop guiding for Olympic Peninsula wild steelhead. Hear his reasons why—if you’re like me (and I hope you’re not), it’ll have you thinking deep thoughts about the current status of Washington’s famed Olympic Peninsula steelhead. Not to fret, if you want a unique angling experience for salty fish, Bob will be glad to guide you on a trip for sea run cutthroat trouts
Thanks for listening—and remember to send us comments. We love listener feedback. And if you donate to the Open Fly, or contribute to any of our conservation guests, send us you receipt and you’ll be entered into future raffles for some sweet gear.
Another great Show. Ya’ll should autograph some black an white photos of the three you an sale those to raise money for the podcast, Make them round so they fit dart boards….