I’m having a pity party. Join me, won’t you?


Many months ago—actually as far back as a year—when I started penciling in events for late summer 2012, this was looking to be a rather exciting period of a few weeks. Let’s examine how the calendar would have looked:

August 16-18, IFTD. That’s right, the International Fly Tackle Dealer show, in Reno for 2012. I’ve wanted to go for the past few years, and decided that this year I would finally make it happen, funds be damned. I didn’t want to go just for giggles, but to meet a lot of people in the fly fishing industry with whom I’ve corresponded. To meet and make friends. Rub elbows. Maybe put some deals together. After all, I have products to promote: Olive books, fly box by Montana Fly Company, and my very-soon-to-be-released iPad apps: Olive the Woolly Bugger and Chuckin’ Bugs. I should be there. I’m not.

Next year, for sure.

August 24-26, Casting 4 A Cure. I was there last year with my buddy Marck. We represented Team Olive for a great cause. Met a lot of amazing people. Had an absolutely great time. Planned on going back this year. Well, that wasn’t in the cards. Marck is going, and he’s being joined by the Firehole Rookie Ranger. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they could go. Just really bummed that I couldn’t.

Next year, without a doubt.

August 30-September 1, River X. I was invited to partake of a very special opportunity not only to fish with a bunch of great folks who I’ve wanted to meet in person for a long time, but to witness the filming of a new film that looks to be incredible: A Deliberate Life, produced by Matt Smythe of the Fishing Poet blog. As recently as three weeks ago I spoke with Matt and expressed how badly I was jonesin’ to meet up with he and the others.  In that time, life got very chaotic, and I am sick with remorse that I won’t be able to make the trip.

There won’t be another opportunity quite like this.

I suck.

So yes, I would like some cheese with my whine, thanks.



  1. Big Tuna

    That’s a bummer. Actually, that’s three bummers. You’ll need to come this way in October and do some steel heading.

    • Kirk Werner

      You have my attention, Tuna. October for some steel sounds good. Before it snows this time 🙂

  2. Patrick

    Personally, I try to plan ahead no further than I can cast, and that ain’t very far. Sorry to hear that some plans fell apart for you too. It stinks. I’m guessing limburger would be most appropriate type of cheese in this case?

    • Kirk Werner

      My folks used to eat Limburger and I remember the house smelling like a dead skunk when they’d crack it open. At least I got to get out and wet a line with you and your bro and Mr. D. There was nothing about that fine day that stank.

  3. chuck atkins

    The height of bad taste is complaining to those less fortunate than you! You fish more than anybody I know. You do so in beautiful places! I no sympathy for ya! I hope ya choke on the cheese! Ha!

    • Kirk Werner

      It’s always good to get your perspective, Chuck. Now how the hell do I find the delete comment/block user button?! 🙂 Thanks for the counter-view.

  4. Derek Young

    You did truly sound like a man whose dreams had been stomped upon, whose rage was pressed and bottled up, leaving a hint of citrus, grasses, and fine soil, when we spoke the other day. You have good reasons for not making these events, and besides – it’s finally summer here, and you’d have missed that.

    Let me know when you’re ready to fish.

    • Kirk Werner

      I’ve been pushed nearly to my implosion point, but feel as though through staunch discipline (and a lot of cheap beer), I will avoid hitting defcon 5. Looking very much forward to a fishfest. I have a particular “shaving kit” for you.

  5. Sanders

    whine and wine go very well together…although I prefer my wine in a can, preferably one that is cheap and tastes like beer. Or really expensive beer in a bottle shaped like it has wine in it…either way, it’s good to whine.

    …although, your next year is shaping up quite nicely

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks, Sanders. I always feel like you got my back/see things my way. We’ll have to get together to drink some canned wine and eat Velveeta.

  6. Josh

    I will think of you often while loafing through the Reno show this weekend.

    Hope u can come next year!!

    • Kirk Werner

      Next year will happen. It’s stupid we haven’t met in person yet, and I’ve been wanting a photo standing next to you, looking you straight in the knee.

  7. Rebecca

    In your honor, I will bring some wine and cheese down to the river and we’ll all bow our heads in silence (for at least 30 seconds) and think of you.

    A sympathetic “here here to Kirk” moment.

    There’s always that kidnap option I mentioned, just send a signal…

  8. Fontinalis Rising

    I’m having my own pity party here, what with my back being out and all. I have a few things on my schedule coming up that I’m hoping against hope will happen. Some years it happens and some years it doesn’t. I hope you’ll make the trip east next June.

  9. Matt Smythe

    I like the kidnapping idea…

  10. David G

    So, to make up for all of this, you are going to have to visit Colorado. Maybe we should start a “fly Kirk to fish fund” I know people that would donate to the great cause….

    • Kirk Werner

      CO is definitely one place I’d like to spend some time visiting with a fly rod in hand, however anyone who would donate to that cause should really have their head examined…but not until AFTER they’ve paid for my ticket 🙂

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