Tag: A Deliberate Life

A Deliberate Life

During this past summer of my discontent, I wrote of plans cancelled, dreams dashed, accomplishments unaccomplished. Of the several things I missed out on, missing out on one event in particular still haunts me. I was invited to partake of a very special opportunity not only to fish with a bunch of great folks who I’ve wanted to meet in person for a long time, but to witness the filming of  A Deliberate Life, a film being produced by Matt Smythe and Grant Taylor.

Despite my lack of attendance somehow the folks who were there managed to have a great time and the crew captured some incredible film. And in the time since then they’ve been very busy in the editing room, matching the footage to an introspective narrative that touches the soul. Just released is the official trailer for A Deliberate Life, which has been selected as a feature film for the 2013 International Fly Fishing Film Festival. I cannot wait to see the entire film, but I’ll have to wait until sometime next Spring to do so.  Check the IF4 schedule to see when the show rolls into a town near you—2013 dates don’t appear to have been posted yet.

Set primarily against the diverse, rugged and breathtaking landscape of Idaho and Oregon, A Deliberate Life explores the stories of five unlikely friends who share the same love of fly fishing and the outdoors and their choice to lead a life according to their passions.

Read more about A Deliberate Life—the project and the people behind it—here: Silo4

I’m having a pity party. Join me, won’t you?


Many months ago—actually as far back as a year—when I started penciling in events for late summer 2012, this was looking to be a rather exciting period of a few weeks. Let’s examine how the calendar would have looked:

August 16-18, IFTD. That’s right, the International Fly Tackle Dealer show, in Reno for 2012. I’ve wanted to go for the past few years, and decided that this year I would finally make it happen, funds be damned. I didn’t want to go just for giggles, but to meet a lot of people in the fly fishing industry with whom I’ve corresponded. To meet and make friends. Rub elbows. Maybe put some deals together. After all, I have products to promote: Olive books, fly box by Montana Fly Company, and my very-soon-to-be-released iPad apps: Olive the Woolly Bugger and Chuckin’ Bugs. I should be there. I’m not.

Next year, for sure.

August 24-26, Casting 4 A Cure. I was there last year with my buddy Marck. We represented Team Olive for a great cause. Met a lot of amazing people. Had an absolutely great time. Planned on going back this year. Well, that wasn’t in the cards. Marck is going, and he’s being joined by the Firehole Rookie Ranger. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they could go. Just really bummed that I couldn’t.

Next year, without a doubt.

August 30-September 1, River X. I was invited to partake of a very special opportunity not only to fish with a bunch of great folks who I’ve wanted to meet in person for a long time, but to witness the filming of a new film that looks to be incredible: A Deliberate Life, produced by Matt Smythe of the Fishing Poet blog. As recently as three weeks ago I spoke with Matt and expressed how badly I was jonesin’ to meet up with he and the others.  In that time, life got very chaotic, and I am sick with remorse that I won’t be able to make the trip.

There won’t be another opportunity quite like this.

I suck.

So yes, I would like some cheese with my whine, thanks.