Sorry for the solicitation folks- I try to keep my book promotions to a very minimum here on the Unaccomplished Angler blog. However, I find my resolve temporarily weakened.
Some of you may not even know that in addition to being a world famous, highly-paid blogger, I’m also a relatively unknown children’s fly fishing book author. If you’re interested in entering an easy contest and being placed into a drawing to win a set of autographed Olive the Woolly Bugger series of books (I’m giving away two sets), you have until midnight, September 30th to enter the contest. You stand a pretty good chance of winning as there have been only a handful of entrants so far.
All you have to do is jump over to my other blog and follow the directions.
I hope some of you will play along and enter to win.
And now I return you to your previously-scheduled programming, whatever that may be.