A couple of my favorite companies in the fly fishing industry changed their logos in recent months. While each company made changes to different degrees, both Sage and Redington added a new excitement to their respective brands as they unveiled new products to the market this year. These new logos served to spice things up a bit- give folks something to talk about. Oh, and also to strengthen their brands in a competitive market.
I hate to let the other kids have all the fun, so I recently began pondering a new brand identity for the Unaccomplished Angler. The logo that has been in service since the inception of this blog has served it’s purposes well enough, though admittedly it hasn’t gained much any critical acclaim. As a logo I believe it has perhaps too much going on and because of this it fails to really stand out. As a professional designer of logos I should have known better. But honestly, when designing for oneself, it’s all too easy to allow sound judgment to fall by the wayside and not see things objectively. Designing for others is much easier in many ways, not the least of which is the fact that I am a horribly demanding client. And I don’t pay well.
Speaking to the true essence of what defines the Unaccomplished Angler was the ultimate goal in creating this new brand: without words to describe the logo, does the image really say what the Unaccomplished Angler is all about? Creating something unique so as to stand out amongst the competition was also of equal importance.
With this criteria in mind, the design is based loosely on the famous image of a sullen Indian warrior sitting atop his equally haggard mount, titled End of the Trail. Nothing conjures up image of defeat quite so effectively.
Here are the old and proposed new logo for the Unaccomplished Angler. Please chime in with your opinions, not that they matter.
I love that Logo…reminds me of many of my days and nights on the rivers and streams. It is very appropriate for your blog/website.
Loving reading your stuff whenever it gets published, thank you.
Thanks for chiming in, Bud. I appreciate the good word, and for what it’s worth you’re named after my favorite beer.
Cheers, Kirk
I was attracted to your old logo when I first saw it but it also reminded me of the North American Fishing Club logo which seems quite similar. Now, the new logo speaks to me. It says, I didn’t catch anything, I won’t catch anything…bring me a beer! I like it.
I may borrow your tagline, Howard. It’s a nice verbal accoutrement to the new logo. Thank you.
Dare ya. “Go ahead, make my day.”
The question is, Pat, do you double dog dare me? You know I will…
On the previous logo, the fish looked like it was ready to kick some wading ass and take names. The new logo suites your blog tittle perfectly and we’ve all resembled that angler at least once (maybe twice).
In more ways than I care to admit publicly, I can identify with the fish from the old logo, as I’ve had my ass kicked and my name drug over many a gravel bar.
I like the new logo.It speaks for itself.
Thanks for weighing in, Wayne. Speaking for itself is the ultimate goal and the mark of a good logo. Not that it’s a good logo, but apparently it speaks for itself.
What cofisher said..
Beers, all around. Cheap beer at that!
I don’t relate to this new logo at all. why isn’t the line straight and unkinked? Why is the fisherman staring blankly into the ground? fly fishing is an activity that never frustrates or confuses.
Ivan, I just now realized the outrageous inaccuracies of the logo. I’ll see what I can do about changing it. Or not.
I like it. It conveys unaccomplishedness but without the desparation of an empty-handed grip-and-grin trophy shot. And the guy in the logo is wearing your (un)lucky hat.
Very astute observation, Greg.
Well, the guy looks defeated, not just unaccomplished! There’s a big difference! I think it’s just because his head is down!
I never let my head down. Although , sometimes…….I raise it – look toward the heavens and scream,
Defeat is just part of being unaccomplished, Chuck. And as I stated in the article, your opinion may not matter 😉
Love it!… Maybe have him untangling instead of downtrodden. At least it says hey, I’m not giving up, even if I’m unaccomplished! Of course being an ex-retiree… Love it man! keep up the good work!
Nobody is giving up, but wallowing in misery and despair is a familiar part of the life of the Unaccomplished Angler…
Geeezzzzz, I hope you’re kidding as usual!
This is no time for Tom foolery.
I agree with Dave. Looks to downtrodden. Even the worse day of fishing is better than being at home checking things off the dreaded honey-do-list. Having him look to the heavens seeming to ask “why me?” or “howabout a little help here?” might create a sense of hope in the logo. But what do I know, other than shamefully being the master of the honey-do-list.
Nash, you may have some valid points. But I’ve had some days fishing, usually behind Marck on the Madison, that made me feel fairly well downtrodden. You need to set those honey-dos aside and fish the Madison with Marck, then you’ll agree that the image in the logo is fairly well appropriate.
He has your hat!!!!!
Does he? Or do I have his? This is a very deep and symbolic contemplation…
…or maybe the hat has you… On an odd random note as I’m replying to this, “broken wings” by Mr. Mister came on the radio. …or is it in the CD player? Ok, Hendrix is on, moment over. Time to go back to work.
much prefer the new logo…I am learning to steelhead fish in our northern Minnesota rivers; I know that dejected look, that “outsmarted again” feeling. “unaccomplished” is the most exhilarated you can ever get when learning to fish for steelies in the river.
Thanks for chiming in, Doug, and welcome to the back room. I think the old logo was limiting the potential of this blog. The new design is liberating and visually states that it is OK to feel this way- we’ve all been there, done that. Good luck with your conquest to hook up with river steel- there is no greater reward than on the 1001st cast to actually feel the tug.
For whatever reason-I like it!
I think the key to the whole logo is the rat’s nest in your line. When fish begin rising that tangle will miraculously appear out of nowhere. At such times I always tell my kids, “stick around and I’ll teach you how to do that…”
Sad but great logo…
Rod, I think the logo speaks truthfully to all of us, though not all would openly admit it. It is a logo for everyone who has ever suffered any sort of angling unaccomplishment. It is a logo for THE PEOPLE. Thank you.
I think I took that picture of you on the Fire Hole.
Yes, Stan, you’ve seen me look like that many times when fishing behind Marck…and also the time on the Madison when I came to your aid and
tailed your fishknocked your fish loose from your line.Friggin wicked cool….when do we get a chance at then
Sir Tiesalot,
First off, welcome to the back room of the UA and thanks for chiming in. Sounds like you want a piece of the UA, perhaps in the form of a sticker for your rig? Stay tuned. They’re coming.