Following the cold trail of the JanSport D-series packs.

My somewhat odd fascination with the JanSport D3 backpack was explained in an earlier post: Ode to the JanSport D3 backpack. What follows here is a very general roadmap of the D3’s history, and that of its sibling packs, the D2 and D5. I have tried to piece together an approximate timeline to satisfy my own curiosity and this information will be of absolutely zero interest to those who continue to follow this blog, hoping to read about fly fishing. I’m merely putting this information out there for the rare person who, like me, may find it somewhat interesting or even useful.

And why, one will surely ask, might this information be useful? Well, because there are a fair number of vintage JanSport packs available through various online marketplaces, and most of those packs are clearly being sold by people who don’t know much—or anything, really—about their item. For example, I’ve come across more than a few eBay listings for packs that are often described as follows:

“Vintage 70’s 80’s JanSport K2 External Frame backpack Hip Wings HUGE”.

While I acknowledge that most of these ads merely feature popular search terms to draw buyers in, there is also a lack of knowledge about the items being sold. Nearly always the seller doesn’t even know what decade the pack is from and seldom do the ads list the model of the pack. That’s because the sellers don’t know. And likely the seller could care less could not care less. Chances are they came to obtain the pack at a flea market or second-hand store and they just want to sell it for a quick profit. I’ve encountered only two sellers who actually knew something about the origins of their packs: One was selling a D3 they had acquired from a friend who was the original owner. And while the seller had access to the year of manufacture, the original owner didn’t know the model of the pack. Another seller was the original owner of the pack they were selling, but even they did not remember the model. I’ve also lurked in various hiking forums where certain JanSport packs were being discussed, and many folks, while they know enough to use the term D2, D3 or D5, don’t know really one JanSport model from another. I’ve even seen “D4” used to describe these packs, and of course there was never a D4 pack (that I am aware of anyway).
*Update: I’ve since learned that there was indeed a JanSport D4 early on in the 1970’s. It was a top-loading pack, not a panel loader like the more popular D2, D3 and D5, and the D4 was only produced for a year or so.

It’s understandable that there can be so much confusion over an item that was manufactured as long ago as the early 1970’s. And despite there being some level of demand for these vintage packs, it’s a very small number of people who make up this market. I personally find this micro-niche to be quite interesting, and while I’ve gathered what information I could, there’s still an awful lot I don’t know about the history of JanSport’s D-series of external frame backpacks of yore. JanSport as a company is a far cry from what it was during the 1970s and it’s not as though one can call up customer service and get any sort of meaningful information about products from an era long-removed from the present. I’m sharing what I have been able to track down to date, and would kindly request that if anyone reading this has more detailed information, please leave a comment so I can correct/update my information.

JanSport began making innovative panel (front) loading packs in 1967, the frames of which were the first adjustable aluminum pack frames. Based on that early design, the D-Series of technical mountaineering packs was launched in 1971, originally designed for a Dhaulagiri Two expedition in the Himalayas. Specifically, this first expedition-oriented pack was called the D2 (Dhaulagiri Two) and was the largest capacity pack of the D series (5220 cubic inches). It can be easily identified by the large “JanSport” logo across a removable fanny pack attached to the outside of the man pack bag (this detachable bag was for carrying crampons). The D2 also had a single, large pocket on either side, with sleeves for carrying skis or poles. It was a panel-loading pack with a U-shaped upper bar, from which the top of the pack bag was suspended. This trademark feature carried across many other JanSport models, giving them all a somewhat similar appearance. In 2011 JanSport released a modern version of the D2. The re-issue pack even featured the original style hip suspension system and a retro second-generation JanSport logo. I’m not sure how well the reissued pack sold given the trend toward internal frame packs and ultra-lite backpacking.

JanSport D2. Likely from the mid- to late 1970's.
JanSport D2. Likely from the mid- to late 1970’s.
Jansport D2, mid-late 1970's.
Another JanSport D2 from the late 1970’s (owner believed it was 1978).
JanSport D2 (reissue), 2011.
JanSport D2 (reissue), 2011.

Similar to the D2, the JanSport D3 seems to have been designed less specifically for mountaineering expeditions and was geared more toward the long-haul backpacker (which is not to say that the D3 wasn’t also a mountaineering pack). The D3 was a large capacity pack (4146 cubic inches) capable of carrying very heavy loads more comfortably than other packs of its day. If availability on the used market today is any indication, the D3 became the most popular of the JanSport D-series packs over time. A trademark feature of the D3 is the large leather attachment patch (or crampon pad) on the outside of the lower bag compartment.

The JanSport D5 was the little brother (or sister) to the D3. Both models are virtually identical in appearance although the D5 was designed for smaller folks up to about 5’7″. While the D3 measures 39″ from top to bottom of the frame, the diminutive D5 measures a mere 34″. The depth of the D5 is about 8″, which is 2″ smaller than the D3. The width of the D5 bag is 14″compared to the D3 which is 14-3/4″ wide. The upper frame extension on the D5 is contoured as well, likely to provide more clearance for the wearer’s head. It is not impossible to find a D5 on the used market but it is more challenging than finding a D3 because sellers do not know what they have. To the untrained eye, a D5 may easily be mistaken for a D3, but if one knows what to look for, they can find it. I’ve been able to find only four packs that I determined to be the D5 based on measurements provided me by the seller.  After months of scouring listings I was fortunate to find one in excellent condition that was worth purchasing. The D5 is a very reasonably sized pack that I actually intend to put into service. I’ll save one of my monstrous D3’s for when I do a thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail and don’t want to stop to resupply 😉

JanSport D5 (left) and D3 (right), of the same vintage, circa mid 1970s.
JanSport D5 (left) and D3 (right), of the same vintage (circa mid 1970s).
Another look at the diminutive JanSport D5 and monstrous JanSport D3.
Another look at the wee JanSport D5 and monstrous JanSport D3.
In addition to being 5 inches shorter, the depth of the D5 is 2 inches smaller than the D3.
In addition to being 5 inches shorter, the depth and width of the D5 is notably smaller than the D3.

Another thing that the D-series packs had in common—and what also set them apart from non-D-series JanSport packs—was the much-ballyhooed hip suspension system. Apparently this was an optional feature so you may find an old D3 or D5 without it. As time progressed and JanSport added more models to the lineup, other non-D-series packs could be had with the hip suspension system. But it was the D2, D3 and D5 that first featured the hip suspension bars, oft-referred-to-as “Hip Wings”. These U-shaped tubular bars were attached to the pack frame via pivot joints that allowed the wings to swing inward and outward (and to be folded out of the way or laying the pack flat). The suspension system can also be adjusted fore and aft to adjust the angle of the pack while being carried. Early versions of the hip suspension joints featured pivot joints that were metal on metal. JanSport obviously saw this as a design flaw which they soon remedied by adding plastic/nylon bushings on subsequent models. Overall the quality of the D3 was considered to be very good, although it has been said that the bushings in the hip suspension were prone to cracking over time. One of my late-70’s D3 packs has a cracked bushing but is still perfectly functional. The hip wings were attached to the hip belt via clevis pins fastened through leather-reinforced nylon patches (JanSport used ample leather in their design of these packs). The shoulder straps were also anchored to the hip wings.

I’m not sure exactly when but I believe that it was circa 1979-1980 that JanSport moved away from the tubular hip wing and began using straight aluminum bars for the hip suspension system. I base my assessment on the fact that in 1979 JanSport launched the Alpine Phantom mountaineering pack which featured the new hip bar design. This newer design was attached in a similar fashion to the hip belt, again with a healthy patch of leather for reinforcement. Ultimately JanSport changed the hip suspension to feature all plastic parts and, from what I’ve read, this was not necessarily an improvement.

Early 1970's hip suspension system. Note the lack of white nylon bushings where the pivot joint attaches to the frame.
Early 1970’s hip suspension system. Note the lack of white bushings where the pivot joint attaches to the frame.
Mid 1970's era hip suspension system. Note the white nylon bushings where the pivot joint attaches to the frame.
Mid- to late-1970’s era hip suspension system. Note the white bushings where the pivot joint attaches to the frame.
JanSport D3 hip bars, early 1980's.
JanSport D3 hip bars, circa 1979 or 1980.
1980s (?) model hip suspension bars.
Hip suspension bars on a late-1982 D3.
1990's newer (but not better) hip suspension.
1990’s newer (but reportedly not better) all plastic hip suspension.

JanSport was owned by Vashon Island-based K2 Corporation from 1972-1982. If your pack has the frame tag bearing reference to K2 you can be sure of the decade in which it was manufactured. After 1982 frames featured a different tag.

JanSport was a division of K2 from 1972-1982
JanSport was a division of K2 from 1972-1982. This is on a mid-late 1970’s model.
JanSport frame tag, post K2 era (1983–)
JanSport frame tag, post K2 era. This is on a late 1982 model).

The D3 retained virtually the same appearance until around 1982 (when the company was sold by K2). After that, black compression straps with plastic side-clasp buckles replaced the tan-colored straps and metal ladder buckles. Back padding, shoulder straps and hip belt also were black and featured mostly plastic hardware. Around the beginning of the post-K2 era JanSport frames changed from the earlier bronze-colored, anodized aluminum to a bare finish. Later in the 1980’s the D3 further evolved in appearance, incorporating areas of contrasting black nylon on the different colored main bag. The bag become attached to the frame via plastic clips as opposed to the previous-era packs which used fabric straps and metal ladder buckles. The shape of the zippered main compartment changed from the earlier, rounded/half moon shape, to more of a somewhat squared-off look. In the late 1980’s a zippered pocket was added to the outside of the main bag. By the 1990’s the D3 took on an even more different appearance and the trademark large leather patch appears to have become no more. I believe by this time leather was no longer used anywhere on the packs. I’ve heard it said that later versions of the D3 were not of the same high quality as were the older packs, and based on my limited experience I would agree. I have three D3 packs from the early, mid and late-1970’s and every component remains intact and solid. I bought a mid-1980’s D3 that was in like-new condition for the most part, but both of the shoulder straps were broken where they attached to the frame using plastic tabs. The seller did not disclose this, so I returned that pack. The cost to repair the straps was nearly as much as the cost of the pack itself.

Perhaps as old as 1972, the first year of the Jan Sport D3.
A very early 1970’s model JanSport D3.
A pair of JanSport D3 packs from the mid-1970s.
A pair of JanSport D3 packs from the mid to late 1970s.
JanSport D3, post 1982.
JanSport D3, late 1982 model. Note the black straps and frame color.
JanSport D3, mid 1980's
JanSport D3, mid 1980’s.
JanSport D3 from the late 1980s.
JanSport D3 from the late 1980’s. The last of the leather.
JanSport D3 from the 1990s.
JanSport D3 from the 1990’s. Where’s the leather?
Another JanSport D3 from the late 1990's.
Another JanSport D3 from the late 1990’s.

JanSport changed their logo over the years and that—depending on the logo your pack bears—may help place the approximate age of the pack. I wrote to JanSport’s customer service department but they were unable to tell me what years their different logos were in service. Instead, they suggested I send my packs in to their warranty department for assessment. The cost to ship the packs is prohibitive, however, so general approximations will have to suffice.

Jansport original logo.
JanSport original logo. You won’t find a D-series pack with this version.
Early 1970's JaSport logo (note the two words)
Very early 1970’s JanSport 2nd generation logo patch (note the two words and open letter spacing).
JanSport logo, second generation.
JanSport logo patch, later second generation (note the single word and tightened spacing of letters). This patch is from a 1975 pack.
JanSport logo, 3rd generation.
JanSport logo, third generation. Probably later 1970’s to early 1980’s.
JanSport logo, 4th generation (earlier).
JanSport logo patch, likely mid to late 1980’s.
JanSport logo, fourth generation.
JanSport logo patch from the late 1980’s and 1990’s.
JanSport current logo.
JanSport current logo. As much as things change, they stay the same.

If you have a JanSport pack that appears on the surface to be a D-series but has neither the large leather patch on the front of the bag, nor the hip suspension system, the pack could be the JanSport Cascade. There were enough similar (yet different) models of JanSport packs made over the years to make it confusing today. There is no mistaking a D2. The D5 and D3 are easily identifiable with their large leather crampon pad and hip suspension system (although, as mentioned earlier, this was an option). Another JanSport model, the Appalachian, was similar to the D3 but has a different pocket  configuration and is easily identifiable. It’s too bad JanSport didn’t affix the model name to every pack they made through the years. If they had done that we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

JanSport Cascade? (not a D3).
JanSport Cascade (not a D series).
JanSport Cascade: Look, Ma-no wings!
JanSport Cascade: Look, Ma-no wings!

In 1973 a JanSport D3 would have cost $75 (source: article from Field & Stream, December 1973). Back in the day that was a fair chunk of change to drop on a pack. Factoring in the cost of inflation, that $75 would amount to $439 today. I’ve not seen one listed for even half that amount, so despite there being a market for these old packs, they’re not keeping pace with inflation. Prices are not unreasonable on the used market (typically less than $150), but shipping is not cheap for such a large item and that can be as much as or more than the pack itself, depending upon where the pack is being shipped from. As collector items, these old JanSport packs are probably not the best investment, but hey—you can’t place a value on nostalgia. Perhaps in another 20 years my collection of vintage JanSport D-series packs will be worth a little more than what I paid for them.

JanSport ad from the mid (?) 1970's. The price of a D3 was $129.
JanSport ad from the mid (?) 1970’s. The price of a D3 was $110.


JanSport Ad, date unknown.
JanSport Ad, date unknown.The price of a D3 had shot up to $124.99

I’m looking forward to a multi-day backpacking trip this summer, and filling my JanSport D5 with much lighter gear than was available when the pack was manufactured in the late 1970’s.


  1. Mark Lehr

    Thanks for the article. I enjoy your postings. I have a D3 I bought new in 1975. A lot of money for a college student back then but a huge step up from my old Boy Scout canvas pack.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for being perhaps the only person to read this article. 😉 I’d be interested to see a photo of you pack if you’d be willing to send me one. Knowing that you bought it in 1975, seeing the logo/patch would go a long way toward supporting (or refuting) my vintage assessments of those old packs.

      • Mark Lehr

        Mine is identical in color and logo to the one in the figure with the caption “JanSport logo patch, later second generation (note the single word and tightened spacing of letters). This patch is from a 1975 pack.” Mine also has a JanSport accessory stuff sack that attaches to the frame below the main pack. I used it to carry a down sleeping bag (another expensive 70’s purchase). I’ll send you a photo.
        Lot of great memories associated with that pack.

        • Kirk Werner

          Fantastic. This really helps to confirm things. Interesting that your pack also came with the detachable stuff sack. Obviously these are items that have gotten lost over the years because only that one D3 I purchased still had it.

      • Arthur Gilham

        Just stumbled on your post.
        I have a D2 that I purchased in 1973 or 74.
        When I dig it out of storage I’ll take some pics and send them your way.
        Mine has been pretty much around the world and back between my trips and friends that wanted to borrow a monster pack for long haul trips. Never had a bad day with that pack.

        • Kirk Werner

          Outstanding! Congrats on still having your D2!

  2. Jack Wallingford

    Dear UA, I may be the second person to read this article, but I would have been the first, if the web had taken my message. Good to see you back.

    • Kirk Werner

      I never said I was back—just back for now 😉 Cheers to a New Year!

  3. Jim Boch

    Well here is number 3. I have based on your description a d3 late 80s vintage. It has a zip off day pack. The logo without the mountains and the leather pieces. It has the plastic wings. I bought it from sport mart around 1992 I’m taking it on the AT this fall. My big 3 load is over 15lbs.
    Your research really helped me identify this pack. Thank you.

    • Kirk Werner

      Glad the info was of some value to you, Jim. Your Big 3 load isn’t too bad at all considering the size of the pack. My hunch is that you’ll carry it comfortably and get a lot of comments on the trail. I’d love to see a photo of your pack.

  4. Alex Barnes

    There is a link to a eBay backpack that has the original sales tag it is labeled as a D4

    • Kirk Werner

      Very interesting. Never before have I seen a JanSport pack like that, or heard of a D4. My hunch is that it was a short-lived model. When the company was young they may have experimented with different styles/models. Clearly the D2, D3 and D5 packs endured, while this one did not. Thanks for sharing that!

  5. Bob Dockendorf

    Thanks for a great article. I have a 72 D3 and a couple of D5s that my kids used.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Cool that you still have your old pack. 72 is a pretty early model–I’d be curious to know which logo it has on the patch?

      • Bob Dockendorf

        I was wrong. I purchased the D3 in 1978. I had to review some old photos to confirm when I first used it. I was still in college in 72 so I should have known better. Thought I had it for some backpacking in 76 and 77 but that was not the case. I was a Ranger in Glacier in 78 and used it there for the first time. I loaded it up with medical supplies to carry up to a barrel cache at the Grinnel Glacier in September. I can carry a ton. The waterproof coating on the inside is a little worse for wear but all the other components have held up well. The logo is the Plain word JanSport in red letters on a blue field. No mountains.
        Thanks again

        • Kirk Werner

          What a time that must have been, working as a Ranger in Glacier during that era. No doubt you’ve some great stories. Thanks for confirming the date/logo of your pack.

  6. Layton Montgomery

    Thanks for this great article. I bought a new D5 model in the mid 70’s and used it for about 25 years for both backpacking and travelling internationally. Unfortunately, it disappeared somewhere in my travels, and I miss it greatly. My daughter wants to do some backpacking, so I was doing some searching for packs and came across your article. I would like to get another D5 if I could at some point. I honestly do not understand why external frame packs went out of favour. I live in Australia now, and external frame packs simply do not seem to exist here.

    • Kirk Werner

      That’s a bummer your old D5 went missing. They are available on EBay from time to time, but not sure about the Land Down Under. Maybe you can have someone in the States make a purchase and then come visit you 😉 I don’t understand why the move away from frame packs, either–they’re so versatile and just carry the weight better. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Arnold Stellema

    When i was in scouts in the 70’s and 80’s the D3 was the Holy Grail. My folks couldn’t afford one so i went to Philmont with a pack from Kmart.

    Now i am 54 and going back to Philmont – with a vintage D3 (sadly the flat steel paddles rather than looped bars) i got off eBay! I found one of the later (plastic paddle) versions for my 16yr old son, but he poo pooed it and just spent two weeks pay on an internal frame pack. His money, his loss. I love the frame packs and will not be dragged into the future 😉

    Glad to see someone else treasures these packs!

    • Kirk Werner

      We are kindred spirits! Ask your son how he feels after a few miles on the trail with his back sweating and shoulders sore from carrying the weight that should be all on his hips. Not all frame packs were created equal and the JanSport D series are amazingly comfortable. If more people knew, all the vintage packs be bought up. That’s why I’m cornering the market–for when they all become enlightened 😉 Thanks for the comment.


    This is going to sound weird, but thank you so much for this!!
    My Uncle was a graphics arts designer. He in advertising ad for YKK zippers and jansport. He gave my dad the d2 JanSport backpack. My dad modeled this in a picture of hiking up a steep incline in a forest.
    I used the backpack in 1986 to hike Philmont New mexico. Unfortunately we had incredible rains and the u-shaped suspension pieces broke as the pack became overloaded to about 70 lb.
    My sons are going to Philmont and I recently pulled the backpack out of the attic. In 1986 in the middle of a backpack trail I had to remove the broken suspension pieces.
    Does anybody know where these can be purchased?

    • Kirk Werner

      That’s a cool bit of history. I think your best bet would be to try finding another D2 (or D3/D5) on EBay (or elsewhere) and buy it for the parts to fix your old pack. They do show up from time to time and are not all that expensive. Usually shipping such a large item is as much as the pack itself. Most sellers on EBay don’t know the model pack they’re selling so search for a “Vintage JanSport frame pack” and you’ll see the ones that have the U-shaped hip tubes. Just make sure it has the parts you need because as the years passed, they did change the hip suspension system. Good luck with your search!

  9. David Hodges

    Thanks Kirk,
    I really enjoyed reading your articles about the JanSport D-Series backpacks. Your research is solid and informative. JanSport did make a few top loading packs, I own a red one with the label being one word JanSport so it’s probably from the mid 1970’s. But Kelty Pack and other brands made top loading packs so that is why the JanSport D-Series is unique, functional, innovative and just plain cool looking! I prefer the tan pads and straps with metal hardware circa 1972-1982.
    By the way, the U-shaped hip bars can be removed to lighten the pack some. The pack will work just fine without them. The hip belt will attach to the shoulder strap bolt on the frame and hang from the back frame of the pack with the straps on it.
    I also have the rare Alpine Phantom pack in an orange color. It has the metal hip bars instead of tubing, though I removed those on mine. So, you are correct in the dating of the hip bars because I have a D2 also with the bars so it’s probably from the very late 1970s to 1982.
    Thanks again for the great article!

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the informative reply—good info to have that helps fill in some gaps. Your Alpine Phantom is quite the collector’s item. I recall seeing one on eBay a few months ago that went for a pretty handsome price.

  10. a. burns

    Thank you for this article. As a result of it, I was able to identify which pack I have been using all these years. I am still using it and will be in the Trinity Alps in a couple weeks with it. It looks like I have the D3 from about 1985. I am the original owner. The shoulder strap broke recently which has me on the internet looking around and is the reason I found your article. I’ve heard that Jansport will still repair these given that the packs came with a lifetime warranty. Have you had any experience with the Jansport lifetime warranty on these packs?
    Thanks again for the effort you put into this research. I found it useful and helpful in resisiting all my family’s efforts to wean me away from this pack. People on the trail come up to me and refer to the pack as “a beast”.

    • Kirk Werner

      Glad the I for was somewhat beneficial. I have not had the occasion to send a pack to JanSport for warranty repair, and I’m unsure if they still honor the old vintage packs. I did contact them about 6 months ago about replacement shoulder straps, and they told me they did not have any replacements in stock but had plans to offer straps in the future. I suggest first contacting their customers service and if that yields no results, look for a “parts pack” on eBay. That’s great that you still have your old pack—it’s definitely worth keeping in service!

      • Michael

        Dear KIrk, For shoulder straps, contact Tactical Tailor. They are very expensive, but worth the price. What you may not know is that the flat “aluminum” bar hip wings were actually titanium. However, the best way to rig D3’s is to cut the lower halves of the tubular U bars away, leaving only one downward pointing curved bar with it’s plastic bushing, attached to the belt on the outside with a bolt going through the belt grommet. You will need to attach two 2″ lengths of tubing horizontally inside of the hip belt bar sleeves to add more contact surface to prevent wear, but the results are far superior, enabling the user to bend over forward and sideways with no bar contact on your thighs. Hardware store rubber plugs should be added on all cut tubing ends. I usually pack well over 100 lbs., and the improved suspension has lasted for decades. Another modification you should employ is to attach two stand off bars about 6″ apart of thin threaded stock vertically through the frame, with locknuts at the top and bottom of each drilled crossbar. This allows the mesh backbands to have a 3″ distance between the mesh and the pack body for ventilation. The mesh backbands should be tightened with small aluminum turnbuckles so that you can play the bands like a guitar. This setup completely eliminates the original manufacturer’s idea of a pack frame that flexes with your body, which was, quite frankly, a spurious concept. Tremendous control is the result of these modifications, which I am sure you will find vastly superior while rock hopping as the pack stays with your body exactly without the reactive movement from frame flexure that will reduce your balance. When you are done, you will possess the ultimate pack, period.

  11. Ian Spielman

    Thanks for the great article. I have been using a D3 since the early 1990’s when I was a teen. I got it from a friend of my fathers who was transitioning to internal frame packs. He “sold” it to me for $20, which seemed a lot to me then, but now I see it was basically a gift. I’ve used it tons since then and it is showing it’s age, but I was able to score a replica on ebay and have combined them to a like-new pack to take with my boys to philmont this summer. I’ve tried my sons’ internal frame systems and they just don’t cut it.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the comment. That’s great that you still have your old D3, and that you also found a donor pack.

  12. Mark Blethen

    I am trying to find a replacement for a Jansport pack I had in the early 90s. I believe it was a D3, but it had adjustable dials on the hip wings that tilted the load forward and back. Any ideas what model that was? Most comfortable pack I ever owned. It was stolen in 1998 or I’d still be using it.

    • Kirk Werner

      I don’t have a lot of familiarity with the later era D3’s, but if the hip suspension was adjustable via dials I’m going to guess that it must have been similar to the 5th photo of the hip wings in my article. In that photo there is a red “button” that appears to be part of an adjustable system. There is a similar pack for sale on Ebay at the time of this writing. I haven’t seen many of this era D3 on the used market so you should check it out:

      • Mark Blethen

        Yep. That’s the pack. Thanks.

  13. James S Boch

    I have a pack very similar to this ebay pack but green with the leather patch on the lower section for crampons. The red button releases the lock and allows the pack to be be adjusted for angle.

  14. Ronn Hagan

    Thank you for your article . I have a D3 I bought in 1974-75? It was a huge investment for a high school kid. I am on my way to donate it to the outdoor shop where I purchased it. It was the first one they ever sold. I have photos, but did not see how to attach them. Your article brought back many pleasant memories. Best pack I ever owned!

  15. Ward B

    I will echo what others have said, thank you for the article and the time spent researching this information. I came across this article as I was trying to locate and purchase a D3 or D5. My brother had the D5 and was the envy of his scout troop at Philmont back in the day. I found out later he got rid of it for a newer Kelty….ugh.
    I’ve been trying to find a good example of one, but I’ve not had much luck. I have a 90’s version with the plastic hip wings, as well as a Ranier, along with a couple of other JS models that seem to be pretty standard issue, but none of them are what I really want. I’m sure when I finally find the D3/D5 I want, I’ll pay way more than it’s worth, or should I say, way more than I should.
    At this point my collection of Jansport packs continues to grow, as the non D models seem to be a dime a dozen and no one seems to appreciate them any more.
    I have some nice internal frame packs as well, but they have no soul. Pffft North Face…lol

    • Kirk Werner

      You’re not the first to have mentioned Philmont when reminiscing about the old Jansport D series packs. I need to know more about this seemingly legendary place! Keep up the search for a D3 or D5–they do exist if YOU know what you’re searching for—nearly all sellers have no idea as to what model they are listing. Use the following search terms and then look for the identifying top frame extension contour that will set the D5 apart from the more common D3: “vintage jansport external frame hiking backpack hip wings leather patch” You will find one of them. Post back with your results! Thanks for commenting.

      • Ward B

        Philmont is a mecca for boy scouts around the country, and making the trek to the top of Mount Baldy is a badge of honor.

        You’re right about sellers not knowing what they have, as I’ve seen any number of them mislabeled, saying “hip wings” when none are present. I think sellers just cut and paste from other sellers and call it good. Shipping costs have been the deal breaker for me on a few items. I don’t really think it costs $65 to ship a pack. I’ll post back when I find one.
        In the mean time, I’ll be loading up my 90’s D3, stuffing my cheap fiberglass fly rod into the pole pouch and heading up into the mountains in search of cutthroat. Thanks again, and good luck in your continued search.

        • Kirk Werner

          Shipping costs are often deal breakers for sure, when the cost of the pack is less than the estimated shipping. I can confirm that prices are very high as I had to return a pack that arrived in condition not disclosed in the ad. It cost me nearly $100 to ship the pack in-state!

  16. Arthur P

    Hello, i had read the article trying to indentify my new adquisition, it’s pretty similar to the d3 model I think I just bougth it from a friend, but it isn’t identical, it cost me 10 bucks and im just came back from a trip to the mountain, im very happy and it hold up to the challenge.
    just for close, (excuse my english skills) thanks for the article it was very helpfull, i was’n expecting that my bagpack was form the 80’s or so jajajaj
    my best wishes.

    • Kirk Werner

      I’m glad that the article helped you. JanSport made a few different packs that were generally similar in appearance to the D3. You may have the JanSport Cascade, Appalachian or McKinley? Whatever the case, enjoy your pack!

  17. Arnold Stellema

    My D3 made our 70 mile trek at Philmont a joy! We summited Baldy (with day packs) and it was glorious. Throughout the trek i would reminisce with other adults about going to Philmont 40 yrs ago… the gear is so much better now (light weight moisture wicking clothes, boots that don’t give you blisters, dehydrated food that actually tastes good) but a fair number of us still carried older frame packs 😉 When some of the scouts needed off loading, i could always lash on another tent or sleeping bag.

    FYI – i didn’t want airlines to smash my frame so i shipped my full pack in a box i made by cutting a wardrobe box in half and making a double thick box. Fully loaded it cost about $100 FedEx ground… I am not sure where the size/weight tipping point is, but $65 for an empty pack seems crazy.

  18. Dave A

    Thanks for the article! My wife has a D5 she bought in September, 1978 for $85, $10 off the price on the hang tag. Yes, she still has the receipt and the hang tag, as well as the “JanSport Anatomy of Your Pack” instruction booklet.

    I also have a D3 I picked up at a rummage sale that is probably a year or two newer than my wife’s pack. It has the same belt/buckle as your picture of the 1979 or 1980 D3 with the aluminum hip bars, but mine has the older U shaped tubes (with the white plastic bushings).

    I’ll send some pictures via email.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the comment—I continue to be amazed at the responses I continue to get from this article. There aren’t a ton of folks out there looking for info about these old packs, but it’s reassuring to know that there are a few. That’s cool that your wife still has her old D5, and the paperwork to boot! From the sounds of it, your D3 is of the same vintage as one of mine, with the aluminum, quick-release belt buckle and original hip hoops. I put it as a late 70’s vintage. I look forward to your email.

  19. Matthew Holzapfel

    Around 1977, I purchased a D2 for myself and a D3 (for my girlfriend at the time – now my wife of 42 years) while attending college at University of Illinois. I used the D2 and it traveled with me in central america and 24-years as a boy scout leader. I easily spent 600+ nights sleeping under the stars with this work horse carrying all my gear. I regretfully got rid of the pack about 8-years (after 35-years of very heavy use) ago as the fabric had become brittle and was developing numerous rips. My only complaint of the pack was that when the fabric was originally cut the edges were not hot sealed to prevent raveling. I love it and would buy another in a second if I could find one available. The D3 my wife used was passed onto my daughter and she has used it

    • Arnol

      After my recent backpacking trip the fraying that was an inconvenience had become downright annoying… i took the fabric off the frame and hot cut ALL the seams and zipper edges – took over 2 hours – should be good for the rest of my life!!!

      All you need is a scrap of glass to cut on, a metal straight edge and a good soldering iron/woodburning tool (with interchangeable tips)- if you can find a blade tip it makes life easier.

      • Kirk Werner

        Nice work cleaning up the frayed edges—you’ve given me something to do this winter 😉 Thanks for the comment.

  20. R. Bruce Cattie Jr.

    Good read. I have been a Kelty guy for the backpacking that I did but find the Jansports appealing. I have an Orange Jansport bag that I got from an Uncle. I would like to make a small repair to the fabric and don’t know the year, model, or specific color to do so. How would I post a picture?

    • Kirk Werner

      There’s no way to upload photos in the comments but if you’d like to email me a photo I may be able to help identify the approximate age of your pack. Email: unaccomplishedangler (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. Luis R

    Thank you for making this. I have no idea why I got so into the history of these bags, being that I’m only 20 and didn’t grow up with them, but they’re super cool. After seeing the picture of the ad, I believe I have a Appalachian 1 bag in the same green color as the one shown in the top picture. It has a third generation patch on it, I wish it had those wings metal wings tho !

    • Luis R

      Metal wings don’t know how I messed that up LOL

    • Kirk Werner

      These old packs are so cool that they transcend the generations. Cool that you own a piece of cult history 😉 Thanks for the comment!

  22. Ward B

    I love that fact that I’m not the only person with an “odd” affinity for these packs, this blog is like a support group. LOL
    I was recently able to purchase a D3 and D5 from a guy in New Mexico. His willingness to help with shipping is really what made it possible. The red D5 is in pristine shape, and was only ever used a handful of times. The yellow D3 was well used and in need of some belt repair. I’ve gone through a complete disassemble / reassemble, repair and cleaning of the D3 in preparation for some long hikes.
    I plan to hike the John Muir Trail next August, and the D3 will be on my back. Some friends laugh at the fact that I’m putting ultralight equipment in a pack from the 70’s, but they just don’t get it.
    I just did a 3 day packing trip covering some 1200’ foot elevation gains and some very rocky terrain. I watched the 5 internal frame pack carriers that were in my group closely to see if I was missing some advantage, but I couldn’t identify anything. My empty pack weight was less than theirs in most cases, and organization of equipment was not even in the same ballpark. I loved that all of my stuff was so compartmentalized and easily accessible, not requiring me to empty my entire pack to look for stuff at the bottom. I hike internal frame packs on day hikes or overnighters, but longer hikes get the old guy pack.

    • Kirk Werner

      I love when comments trickle in from far and wide, each of us brought together by this strange fascination with packs that are nearing 50 years of age. Your comment may be my favorite so far, in fact I should ask you to write a guest blog with photo 😉 I’ve not used a modern backpack, save for day hiking, but what you point out is exactly why I think external frame packs will make a serious comeback. And these old JanSports will always be as cool as they were back in the day. We should schedule a multi day hike for all who own a D series and get some national press. I bet we could talk JanSport into sponsoring the hike. Or, maybe not. 😆 Thanks for the great comment!

      • Ward B

        I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’d be happy to contribute, maybe some tips on upgrading the original hip belt and such. I’ve got my eye on another D3 that I may “need” to purchase soon.
        I’d love to see a caravan of D series packs headed down the trail. I’m sure JanSport would pay for some cool PR photos of that! 😆
        I’ll keep you posted on my next purchase.

  23. Frank C McClanahan, III

    Enjoyed your article. I have many Jansport D series packs and frames and also some spare parts. I have not been packing for many years, and will probably soon start selling the packs and parts I have on Ebay.

    My first Jansport was a D3 that I loaned to my brother-in-law who managed to get the frame crushed in the baggage car of a train. I replaced it with a D2 which was always my favorite and to avoid its loss or damage I bought another that I never used and is still in mint condition. I have the smallest sizes too, that I acquired for my wife and children. I have picked up others over the years on Ebay but they seem to be fewer and farther between these days, and in increasingly worse condition. To me, these packs, despite their weight, were so much more comfortable for carrying heavy loads, or any loads, in hot weather, than competitive packs of the day (or any modern packs that I have seen). I too was intrigued by the resurrected D2 but when I actually looked at one, it seemed a shabby comparison and a step backward. So I do hope, when I unload my bounty, someone who appreciates the quality and comfort of these old packs will be the one who ends up carrying them.

    Thanks again for the trouble you took to assemble the information you have collected!

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for taking time to comment–sounds like you have an enviable collection. As you noted, the available supply of these old packs does seem to be dwindling on Ebay. I’ve noticed in the past year that there are fewer overall and in lesser condition. The D2 is a even more rare beast and if you decided to sell your “still mint condition” one I’d be interested. I don’t feel my collection will be complete without a D2.

    • Matthew Holzapfel

      Please let me know when you plan on selling your D2. I would love to replace the D2 I had to put out to pasture after almost 45 years of extreme and constant use. Matt Holzapfel (email

      • Frank C McClanahan, III

        Actually, I have two. Both packs are the bronze/gold color and both in very good shape with no staining or delamination, but only the mint one has a scratch-free mint frame. Also, I am not sure I have the zip-on fanny pack for the non-mint D2. I also have two later versions (I do not know if they are D2s or D3s; they have four side pockets instead of two, but the side pockets permit long items to be inserted behind them like the original D2 pockets) that have the inferior aluminum tongue instead of the D wing, both of which are in excellent shape.

        • Matthew Holzapfel

          Let me know when you are ready to part with one or both of them. I recently retired and am still an active backpacker who feels lost hiking without my Jansport D2. I have three other packs , one is a Jansport D series pack but is much smaller, a Kelty Super Tioga 50th Anniversary model that is huge but the outside pockets are weird and do not hold much and the only way to get to the main compartment is through the top lid (very inconvenient) and an REI internal frame pack for short trips and lighter loads.

  24. Rob

    Commenting have a yellow D3 that I bought used around 1977. I got it from a guy that had both. D3 and a D5, both in yellow, and had decide he and his wife/girlfriend didn’t like backpacking. I’ve always regretted not buying both packs, but I was pinching my pennys then. I just took it on a 4 day trip over the 4th in the sierra’s and it brought back a lot of memories from msny trips in northwest Montana. I can send you a picture if your interested.

    • Kirk Werner

      That’s great that you still have the old D3, and regrettable that you didn’t buy the matching D5 at the time. I’d love to see w photo of the pack in action.

  25. Steve Iseman

    I have a Jansport Cascade 1 that I bought new in the late 1980’s. It seemed like everyone I saw on the trail back then had a pack similar to mine. I just got back from a trip to North Manitou Island with my grandsons and the pack still works fine. I have noticed some fraying on the fabric near the zippers though. One of the comments on your post mentioned cleaning these seems up with a soldering iron and I’m going to look into that. That’s for the great trip through Jansport history.

  26. Steve Q

    I bought a new JanSport D3 (green) back in 1993 but after the first trip I ended up returning it and bought a JanSport Rainier Tall instead. I just weekend backpack and I found myself loading way too much stuff just because I could! The Rainier is still going strong with only the straps and mesh back pad having been replaced. I picked up a grey D3 earlier this year for a song that looks exactly like the one you have pictured above. It’s in excellent condition and I will probably have it out on the trail before year’s end. Although they do squeak, I love my JanSport frame packs. Easy to load, light weight and excellent product support (still) from JanSport.

  27. Alan Wenker

    I stumbled upon your website and am delighted to find your article on Jansport packs. I collect packs, among other stuff, and have a D2 and Alpine Phantom in my collection. Wonderful detail in your article and you have an amazing collection of D series packs. I have never heard of a D4, you mentioned you saw one with a hang tag. I’m unsure where that could be found out, one of the Jansport founders is on a Facebook group, he may respond. I have a series of catalogs from the 70s and early 80s, if you want me to track down any specifics, just let me know.

    • Kirk Werner

      I’ve seen your posts on the FB group—very impressive! I also had never heard of the JanSport D4 until someone mentioned it. Since then I’ve seen one listed on EBay. Mt hunch is that it was an early offering and not long-lived. It was not a panel loading pack, so pretty similar to all other top loaders, and likely why JanSport didn’t offer it for long? Speculation. Murray left a comment on my other blog post, “Ode to the JanSport D3 backpack”. I was thrilled! Would love to chat I. More depth with him. Thanks for taking the time to read my article and comment!

  28. Dan P.

    Great article.

    Found a nice green D3 (division of K2) at yard sale for $7. It will tour the Selkirks in Idaho this summer. Zippers work, no holes, all straps intact.

    • Kirk Werner

      That’s a serious score, congrats! Take some zip ties and duct tape just in case.

  29. Kyle Burdette


    My wife bought me a large JanSport external frame pack in the early 90’s that I still use exclusively. It has a full zip-off daypack which has been a fantastic for base camp trips with day hikes. I have not been able to find the model name, and I have scoured the internet for pictures with no luck. Do you have any idea what model has the zip=off daypack? Thanks in advance.

    • Kirk Werner

      I sent you an email.

  30. Jeff Cheesman

    Great article please keep up the good work

  31. Bob Roark

    Looks like a LOT of people read and enjoyed your article on the JanSport D-series. And I’m one of them. I have a D-5 that I bought at REI, and I’ve used and enjoyed for it decades – from the mountains and canyons of Arizona, to the north Georgia mountains. And it’s STILL a terrific pack. My tried-and-true Walrus tent gets lashed on top, and my sleeping bag and pad get lashed to the bottom, and off we go. Terrific article. Thanks again.

    ps. Mine has the hip bars – not the D-loops. Pull the bars out when you set it down and it stands up on its own. Very convenient for getting to your gear without laying your pack in the dirt.

    • Kirk Werner

      I’ve often wondered if the “Gen 2” D3/D5 packs equipped with the hip bars could stand up by themselves and now, thanks to you, I know. That’s great you kept your D5 all these years. I’m sure if I’d had one back in the day I’d have kept mine as well. Thanks for taking time to read and leave a comment!

  32. Pat

    I’m not sure if you’re still checking the comments or not but I have a navy blue D3 that I bought in 1993 to take to Philmont. It has the front pocket in the middle on the front. While there are no leather patches it does use leather on the hip belt and has the big leather crampon patch on the front bottom.

    • Kirk Werner

      I always watch for and reply to comments—the info shared back and forth may be of value to others. It sounds like your D3 from 1993 matches the photo in my article of the blue pack labeled as a late 80’s “last of the leather”. That leads me to believe that perhaps this model carried over into the early 1990’s before JanSport did away with the use of leather completely. Good to know, thanks!

  33. Mark Taylor

    It’s good to know I’m not alone in my appreciation for my old Jansport D-2. I bought it new in the early 80s and have used it for decades with reliable service. 2010 a trip to Philmont , 2008 a through hike on the JMT, and yes it will hold two bear cans inside, one being suspended by the upper inside straps, very cool ! I folded to pressure and “upgraded” to a internal frame pack long ago and every evening when setting up camp at the end of a day I remanence about my D-2 and it’s organizing features when I’m dumping everything out of my new and improved internal frame pack. I wished I saw you article a few days ago, I would have dusted off old reliable for a hike over Kearsarge pass in the sierras to resupply my daughter on the PCT. Sign me up for that multi day D-pack alum hike.that would be a hoot .
    Loved the article

    • Kirk Werner

      That so cool that you hiked in to resupply your daughter on the PCT! I assume she’s headed North to South, otherwise she’s a bit late to get through WA before weather hits (our higher peaks got their first dusting of snow last week). So far JanSport has not reached out to offer their sponsorship for a D Series trip, but I’ll let you know when they do! Thanks for the comment!

  34. Chris M

    It is very cool to see these documented. I have three D3s and a D5 that I’ve collected over the years as my boys have progressed through scouting, along with some Keltys that they carried. People think I’m crazy, but the D-series carry a lot of weight very comfortably. Like many others commenting, I carried a D3 at Philmont with my scouts and it performed admirably over our 10 days on the trail – often with a lot of extra gear strapped on the outside. I’m not a large guy (5’9″, 158lb), so the D3 is a little bit large on my, but the adjustability allows the harness to fit me perfectly. During my Philmont training, I was rucking 3-4 times weekly with one of the D3 frames modified with wooden boxes to hold weights (rather than the fabric bags). I know this frame can carry at least 109 lbs, as that was the peak that I carried in training.
    One of my D3s is very worn – there is a weak spot at the seam between the upper and lower halves of the bag. I’ve reinforced that by sewing on a strap across that seam to distribute the load over a wider area of the fabric and that seems to have held.
    All of mine are 90s packs with the plastic hip supports. I have no complaint on the quality of these – easy to adjust and so far, durable. Except for the one that is heavily worn, mine are all like-new condition, except for one broken strip on the top of a pack. Two of my D3s are the one you have pictured above with caption “Another JanSport D3 from the late 1990’s.” The other is nearly identical, but instead of the blue lightweight fabric, it is green and a much heavier canvas-like material. My D5 matches the green D3. I wish I could attach pics here.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for chiming in—sounds like you have a great collection of later gen packs. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!

  35. Bill S

    Glad I stumbled on this thread – It sent me down memory lane remembering some good trips I had – thanks. I bought a burnt orange D5 in the early 70’s (has the D loops). Had several backpacking trips along the AT back then – it is a great pack. Haven’t used it in many years – but this thread has me thinking I need to try to get the grand kids interested in backpacking.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the comment—glad you enjoyed the article. Strap on that old D5 and lead those young whippersnappers up the trail!

  36. Georg Icking-Konert

    Hi Kirk,

    thanks a lot for the very informative article! I stumbled across it when trying to find out more about my trusted backpack! And thanks to your article I now know that I own a D3 of late 1970 making. Thanks for that!

    I live in Germany and “rescued” my D3 from bulky waste in the mid 90s, when I was a student. Back then it was just a simple way to extend my tight budget, but over the decades I have come to love the comfort and sheer space of it. Together we have traveled pretty much everywhere and I hold very fond memories. Our most recent trip was a hike of the “Western Trail” across the Black Forest in Germany. And for 2024 my wife and me plan to hike the GR-367 in Southern France.

    However, after ~45 years my trusted D3 unfortunately starts to show its age – but aren’t we all…? 😉 Most issues are easy to repair, except for the inner lining which is flaking off in big chunks. This makes it (very) water permeable – not a good thing for a long haul!

    I contacted Jansport recently, after I had read about “lifetime warranty” on their homepage ( Of course I didn’t expect a free repair after 45 years, but I figured that this promise implies that Jansport still has the capability to repair a D3 for a fee. Turned out they haven’t… 🙁

    Now I’m wondering what to do. Should I try to purchase a D3 in better condition and retire my old friend…? Follow my wife’s advice and (finally) buy a modern backpack…? Or maybe find someone else who can replace the Canvas of the D3 – though that seems a bit over the top… Any ideas / advice?

    Thanks again for your article! It’s good to hear I’m not the only Dinosaur out there 🙂

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the great comment! I would recommend retiring your old pack and find one that doesn’t featuring the delaminating inner coating. Removing that would be a real chore and then reapplying some sort of waterproofing might be another chore that may or may not work. There are good candidate packs to be found on EBay, where I’ve purchased all but one of mine. They are all in great shape with no peeling innards. Perhaps you can find something on EBay Europe?

      Definitely do not listen to your wife 😆

      • Georg Icking-Konert

        Hi again,
        thanks for your kind reply. Actually replacing the D3 with a modern backpack is not REALLY an option 😉

        I already decided that I will try to make it waterproof again. D3s are extremely rare here in Europe. Actually I found none on the internet here, and the few I saw on eBay USA and Canada looked worse than mine. Besides the shipping to Germany costs more than the pack itself. But even more importantly, my backpack is not just any D3, it’s my trusted friend. Replacing it – even with another D3 – just feels wrong. So I’ll give it a try and let you know the result…

        Thanks anyway for your kind words. Have a happy New Year!

      • Scottskis

        Great piece of history. I bought a D3 in 1975. By 1996 the bag was pretty much gone. I wrote to Jansport asking if I could buy a new bag and to my very pleasant surprise one arrived in the mail at no charge plus the bag had ski slots and a big circular patch reading “Rainier Mountaineering Kangchenjunga Expidition”. So i got Lou Whittiker’s left overs. I couldn’t be happier.

        • Kirk Werner

          Thanks for the comment—that’s pretty amazing and what a unique bag to have!

  37. Georg Icking-Konert

    One more idea: I searched around a bit more, and seemingly it’s possible to re-impregnate the canvas. However, the most in-depth instruction I found highlights the importance to use the right sealant for the material. I guess the D3 canvas is either Polyester or Nylon, but does anyone know for sure? I’ll also ask Jansport. Maybe they know. Thanks a lot in advance!

  38. Georg Icking-Konert

    Ok, some update – just in case someone else has similar issues:
    – I’ve contacted Jansport USA and EU about the material. Response is pending has an interview with JanSport co-founder Skip Yowell. And to me it sounds like the D3 canvas material is Cordura, a robust kind of Nylon – just like Kirk mentioned
    – I found a EU company which seems to know a thing or two about the best way forward (
    – On their site I found this page, which indicates that the inner sealing material is/was TPU (

  39. steve deacon

    Any ideas on the nepali??

    • Kirk Werner

      I wasn’t aware of that model until you mentioned it. A quick Google suggests it was inspired by the D series.

  40. Timothy Randich

    I found a complete D3 frame and with the hip suspension system in nice condition, no pack though. I would like some nice padded shoulder straps with a sternum belt, and suggestions on where to get them?

    • Kirk Werner

      In the past I’ve searched around and even contacted Jan Sport about the matter as I had read somewhere that they made replacement shoulder straps. At the time they did not have any. You might send them an email. I’ve read elsewhere that shoulder straps from a JanSport Carson will work on the D3 frame, if you can find them. Good luck—hope you find something suitable.

  41. Jay Ladouceur

    What a great review with so much detail! Our JanSport D3 and D5 External Frame backpacks with hip wings have served us for 52 years of rugged use in mountains, canoe trips, and Canadian Shield trekking, in all 4 seasons. We tried getting into the 21st century with internal frame packs a few times but after a day or two on the trail each time …they were returned. No contest. Internal frame all the way for us! Despite an incredible amount of hard use, rubbing trees, rocks, canoe thwarts etc, they have held up perfectly. JanSport assured me a few years back that their lifetime guarantee still applies but the only part ever needed in all those years, was a JanSport name patch that I snagged and lost off mine 3 years back. They promptly sent me a new one as soon as I requested it. They will outlast us and most likely our offspring who will have them when we can’t use them anymore. Absolutely awesome gear. We even put a strap between the wings to sit on so we can lean back and the packs then become chairs. Great for sitting around in camp or a break or lunch stop. We keep our closed cell foam mattress pads on the outside so they become our heated seat cushions when using that strap. All these years without Chest Straps so just ordered 2 pair off Temu. Will try them soon. All the best! So happy you did this!

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the great comment! I love hearing all the old stories of these timeless JanSport packs

  42. Mark Purdin

    I have the D2 purchased in 1981. Very nice to stand up on its wings. Got a D5 in 1993. It ripped, they sent us a new one. D 2, had been through a lot more. No rips.

  43. Georg Icking-Konert

    Hello fellow D3/D5 enthusiasts,

    end of last year I searched for a “new” D3 from eBay, i.e. one in better shape than mine. However, none was available in the EU where I live. And shipping from the US turned out to be prohitively expensive. So eventually I decided to refurbish my trusted, 51 year old D3 (here add laughter from my family…)

    The main issues were:
    – Missing part of the hinge for the hip bar
    – Rusty (steel) screws
    – Several scuff holes in the canvas
    – Missing / flaking inner sealing
    – Many loose threads from the canvas edges
    – Zippers partly blocked by said threads

    So here’s what I did – just in case someone has similar issues:
    – Replace missing hinge part:
    – Create 3D-model in FreeCAD (available on request)
    – Order parts from While robust, cheap polymers are available, I chose aluminium for style 😉 ($45 for 2)
    – Replace loose/rusty screws:
    – Replace steel screws with brass screws (M4x30, DIN 84), washers (DIN 9021) and safety nuts (DIN 985)
    – Additionally fix nuts with threadlocker (Loctite 243)
    – Remove excess screw threads with a small cutter
    – Remove old sealing layer:
    – Dunk the D3 in water for a few minutes, then peel off most remaining lining
    – Where required, carefully remove lining with a steel sponge
    – Repair scuff holes
    – Apply self-adhesive Nylon patches (
    – Fixed patches via (ugly) sewing, as adhesive didn’t stick well enough
    – Re-impregnate canvas:
    – Apply 2 thin layers with 24h drying inbetween. I used Tentsure ($40), following advice from
    – Remove/fix loose threads
    – Carefully cut away fluff balls and loose threads using a small scissor. Remove threads stuck in zippers
    – Fuse loose threads and edges with an old soldering iron. Do this outside on a windy day and be careful not to burn a hole into the canvas!
    – Loose zippers
    – Threads blocking zippers were removed in previous step
    – Apply beeswax to the zippers, following advice by Mike Claeys on

    Now my D3 looks as good as new – or at least fit for a few more decades 😉

    Have fun, Georg

    • Georg Icking-Konert

      Hi again,

      just finished a 12-day hike of the GR367 in the South of France ( And I am happy to report that my above described repairs seem to have been successful 🙂

      So I guess my D3 is fit for few more decades of hiking – probably more than myself… 😉

      Have fun, Georg

      • Kirk Werner

        Looks like a beautiful area! However I don’t see any photos of your refurbished D3!

  44. Keith Meyers

    Got three JS’s here. One large one with “wings” and plastic buckles, two smaller (D5?) one with metal clasp. They get used every year! I remember in the 80’s with WAAAY too much weight in the big one, gads it could carry a load!

    Great article. Tight lines.

    • Kirk Werner

      The carrying capacity—the beauty and the curse of these old packs. When I load even one of my D5’s with the modern gear of today, there’s still plenty of room left and the weight isn’t bad at all. I guess I need to start using retro gear, for added volume and weight. Thanks for the comment!

  45. Jim C

    Kirk, I recently stubbled across your website, and really enjoyed reading the info on Jansport packs. My first was a Cascade 1 bought for my Philmont trip in 1976 (I recently sold it on Craigs List). I still have and us a D3. The best purchase was a new Alpine Phantom I purchased many years ago on e-bay from Skip Yowell and his wife Winnie. I never used it (too big). Eventually someone from Jansport contacted me, and I sold it to use in a display at their office.

    • Kirk Werner

      Thanks for the great comment, Jim. I’ve yet to see an Alpine Phantom in person. Saw one on EBay a couple of years ago and it went for a hefty sum. Cool that you bought one from Skip and then it went back to JanSport, full circle!

  46. Steven

    Great article!
    I am the proud owner of an alpine phantom pack that I bought new in the summer of 1986. It was my dream to own one, and it was very expensive (for a student at the time). I had high expectations of this flexible-frame-state-of-the-art pack, but I was dissapointed by its performance. It was way too heavy and not comfortable to carry. Hips hurt due to the metal bar and lowerback hurts due to poor cushioning from the sack itself (no integral hipbelt).

    About 20 years ago, I bought a D5 on local ebay, I thought it was too small but the seller disagreed and said it was big enough. I bought it for next to nothing and the seller was right. It is the best pack I have ever had: it’s light, very comfortable to carry, frontloading is very practical and its very versatile (just strap bags on the frame for longer trips).

    After years of use the nylon disintegrated on the seams. I took it apart and sewed an identical pack out of a ripstop nylon tent fly.

    D5: best pack ever!

    • Kirk Werner

      That Alpine Phantom is a great souvenir/keepsake despite it not having worked out for you. I’ve never seen one in person but they look cool in photos! And I agree on the D5 being a perfect sized pack. Modern gear is so much smaller in volume (and weight) that a D3 is likely overkill for all the biggest gear hoarders 😉

      Thanks for the great comment!

  47. Chuck

    Loved all of the info JS packs. I have been using JS packs for decades. My original pack is shown in the ad as (D) Scouter. The stitching started to come undone on my JMT hike. Yes it carried everything that I needed to hike the JMT. The thing I like about the JS packs is the panel loading. It is so much more functional then the top loading packs. You couldn’t pay me to use a top loading pack.

    I then bought a Scout pack off Craigslist just for the bag. The frame was too small to fit me so I put that bag on my old scouter frame. The bag intended for rough use by scouts is heavy.

    Getting older I am trying to cut down the weight that I carry. Not that I carried that much in the past. My heaviest weight was 45 lbs with 10 days food for the last leg of the JMT. The last item in my quest is a lighter pack. Under 2 lbs is my goal. I just picked up a 1990’s D3 in pristine condition for $25 off Craigslist. I only want the frame. The bag has more pockets than you can shake a stick at and can hold more stuff than I would every want to carry. I am going to replace the bag with a custom bag designed to carry only what I need. I plan to make it out of either .5 oz nylon spinnaker cloth or cuben fabric

  48. Andrew Fylypovych

    Nice job on a very interesting history. I was surprised to find out that Jansport no longer makes real trekking backpacks. 🙁 Your story brings back a lot of fond memories from the time I bought my D3 way back in 1973 which at time cost around $90 and was very expensive for a poor college kid. That backpack lasted for a long time and was extremely versatile. I was always amazed at how much lighter the load felt once you tightened the hip belt. Ah, the good old days.

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