Feelin’ lucky, again. Now it’s your turn…

Yes, I feel lucky. Again.

A while back I gloated mentioned that I’d seen some good fortune come my way when I won a couple of giveaway contests. Well, my luck continues to be good because recently I was randomly chosen as the winner of another contest offered by Montana Fly Company.  What I won this time was something I had already been planning to buy: a Trout Camo fly box, rainbow flavor. It’s cool looking, of solid plastic construction with a secure locking lever, and I like the slitted foam fly keepers: that’ll be an improvement over my current fly boxes that do not have the slit foam. The only problem is that this box will not house all my flies, so I’m going to have to order another one, maybe a brown trout version so I can tell them apart. Thanks to Montana Fly Company for randomly selecting me as the winner.

And now I would like to share some Montana Fly Company love with my readers and give someone else a chance to feel lucky.

I recently crawled out of my technological hole and became the owner of an iPhone 4. Admittedly the sole reason for wanting an iPhone was so I could get a River Camo iPhone cover. There was some confusion (on my part) as to what phone this cover would fit: The cover was said to fit an iPhone 3G. Conveniently, my iPhone is an iPhone 3G, in a sense–it’s an iPhone 4, but has 3G service. The matter was a clear as a river running high with Spring meltoff. Well, I took a gamble and lost: the cover fits an iPhone 3 (as in 3rd generation), not an iPhone 4. Apparently the 3G in this case is not referring to the service network. Oh well, luck can only last so long.

Rather than return the cover, I’m offering it up to the person with an iPhone 3 who leaves a comment explaining why they should have it. Play the pity card. Tug at the heart strings.  I’ll randomly choose the winner and announce it February 26th.

In case your iPhone looks like this, it’s an iPhone 3. The cover will fit your phone.  But not mine.


  1. cofisher

    I’m technologically challenged. Why didn’t you win something useful like a chalkboard and a box of colored chalk? Sheesh…

    • Kirk Werner

      Cofisher, you are officially entered to win, no technology required to enjoy this iPhone case. Good conversation piece, too:
      “What’s that?”
      “Oh, it’s an iPhone case.”
      “But you don’t have an iPhone…”
      “Correct. But I do have am iPhone case, and it looks like a brown trout skin.”

  2. Andy Marks

    I don’t have an iphone either…they didn’t have to skin a trout to make that did they?

    • Kirk Werner

      I believe no trouts were harmed in the production of these “skins”…they are not slimy to the touch, so I think they’re synthetic replicas…

  3. Joe Iannazzone

    I have an iPhone 3g. My wife and kids used to think I am crazy because of the fly reel ring tones I have installed They are getting over that so I need something else to help maintain my reputation.

    • Kirk Werner

      Joe, your story touched my heart.

      There are fly reel ringtones I can download?!

      • Joe Iannazzone

        They are on the Nautilus website. You have your pick of reels and fish running out line.

        • Kirk Werner

          Got one and can’t wait until my phone rings next- thanks, Joe!

  4. Jason

    I knew that MFC thing was rigged! Now all my flies are going to remain wadded in ziploc bags. Unless I can use hockey tape to wad that iPhone case around my came-with-the-contract Nokia phone, I won’t even try to win that one.
    Let us know when you’re giving away iPhones. We’ll get the case.

    grumbling in Trout Country- FR

  5. Harry

    Lucky again? Aren’t you glad you came out of retirement? I’d say your luck has changed.

    Fly reel ringtones?

  6. Wolfy

    How does the “flip” open on my Jitterbug phone when it’s encased in a plastic trout skin?

    • Kirk Werner

      Keep trying, Joe…

  7. David G

    Did you win the iPhone as well(I mean with your luck you should have at least tried)? Maybe you should enter the publishers clearing house.

    • Kirk Werner

      David, HA! Luck only goes so far, and I’m afraid I paid out my arse of pocket for the phone! I think my luck has run out, if today’s fishing excursion is any indication…

  8. George

    I have only just started to fly fish. From all accounts, the closest I may come to actually seeing such beautiful trout, is if I have this skin on my iPhone. I suspect I will be doing a lot of practice casting this year. At least if I manage to win this cover for my iPhone, I will have an idea of what I’m looking for, when I try to sight trout rising.

    Go ahead. Make my day.

    • Kirk Werner

      George, this is a tremendous plea for help…

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